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How YOU can support:

Spread the word! Give us a shout out! Boost us by telling a friend, chatting about us on another social platform or letting people know how the BB has helped you! The only way we can help/achieve our purpose of supporting and uplifting BIPOC creatives is if others know we exist!

Patreon - monthly subscription from $1 to $25 per month.

Ko-Fi - one time donations.

Subscribe - patreon subscriber or general subscriber.

Become A Booster - Join a social direct message group to help the BIPOC beat the twitter algorithm.

Thank for your support.

What we provide:

BIPOC Bookshelf: a database uplifting fiction and select nonfiction titles by BIPOC authors and creators. A place for readers to discover new stories and for publishing professionals to find comp titles. We update this database continuously. Subscribers are notified once a month or two.

BIPOC Editors & Agents Database: a database/directory featuring BIPOC publishing professionals with information on their publishing houses/literary agencies, and their story interests. Professionals within the database are not being endorsed by the BIPOC Bookshelf. Our goal with this database is to connect agents with editors and writers with agents. This database is continuously updated.

The More You Know: dedicated to sharing informational lists, tips, while featuring a Guest Writers series where BIPOC traditionally published authors and professionals share their perspectives and advice with potential BIPOC writers.

We hope to do more in the future to support the community and to make the platform even better for people like you.

Along with these services, your support and donations will keep this platform alive. The funds will contribute to website hosting and domain costs, giveaways, technical support, production, as well as bills which will allow us to continue our research, curate information and Guest Writers, and continue to assist readers, writers, and publishing professionals.


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