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Updated: Mar 3, 2021

Twitter (writer) chats are a great way to talk about craft with others, find betas, CPs (critique partners), other like minded writers/authors and potentially friends. The catch? You gotta put yourself out there a little bit. Engage and connect with others not just through writing but through favorite books, hobbies, and interests.

Below is a list of writer chats for all age categories. We will continue to update this list as we learn of more chats.

A gif of Lionel Richie standing in front of a window with a phone to his ear while singing "Hello? Is it me you're looking for?"

#BIPOCDebuts is a monthly twitter chat featuring and hosted by BIPOC authors debuting in the upcoming year.

Followers can engage with new authors and learn about debuting stories.

When: Beginning of each month! (Dates vary)



Created by a group of BIPOC writers and hosted by Gates Palissery, #DiverseInkChat is a monthly chat that connects & shines a spotlight on marginalized authors!

When: 2nd Wednesday of each month. Around 8pm EST.


Created by middle grade writer Traci-Anne Canada, #MGinColor is monthly twitter chat to bring together #middlegrade BIPOC writers.

"Since creating community and uplifting people is a major part of what I want to do in life, I decided to create that space myself."

- Traci-Anne Canada

When: Last Wednesday of each month!


#MondayMixer is a weekly chat created by J. Elle and hosted by J. Elle and Jessica Froberg - #youngadult and middle grade authors.

When: Every Monday!


Created and hosted by Justin Colón of the #PBChat mentorship program Twitter chat for picture book creators.

When: Weekly!


Created by Sonora Reyes, #QPOCChat is a monthly chat on Twitter where #queerwriters of color come together for an hour of conversation about projects and identities.

When: 2nd Thursday of every month!


Created by adult author Jeida K. Storey, We Are Adult Literature is a Twitter-based community that engages, promotes, and supports BIPOC authors of Adult Literature. Look out for #ALitChat, #ALitConvo and #ALitSprints.

When: TBD


Know of some other awesome virtual chats? Let us know below!

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